Ezra Benson Says Book of Mormon Is the LDS Church Doctrine’s Keystone, But He Doesn’t Teach the Doctrine of Christ

In October, 1986, President Ezra Benson taught about the Book of Mormon, but he did not talk about any of the principles of the Doctrine of Christ contained in it, such as coming unto Christ with a broken heart and contrite spirit, receiving the baptism of Fire and the Holy Ghost and coming unto the rest of the Lord or second comforter.

1:35 – Then he said the whole church is under condemnation for treating the Book of Mormon lightly and forgetting the new covenant contained in it. This is the Doctrine of Christ. It is not plural or eternal marriage.

2:43 – Next, Ezra Benson said the Book of Mormon is the keystone of the doctrine of the LDS Church, and the doctrines are taught plainly and simply. But he didn’t teach anything about the plain and simple principles of the Doctrine of Christ detailed in the book. This shows president Benson does not really understand the true doctrine taught in its pages.

5:04 – Lastly, he came a little closer to the first steps of the Doctrine of Christ, but he still missed it. He did not tell us to come unto Christ with a broken heart and contrite spirit to receive the baptism of Fire and baptism of the Holy Ghost, which is a formal adoption ordination.

Ezra Benson dice que el Libro de Mormón es la piedra angular de nuestra doctrina, pero no enseña la doctrina de Cristo. En octubre de 1986, el presidente Benson enseñó acerca del Libro de Mormón, pero no habló de ninguno de los principios de la Doctrina de Cristo contenidos en él, como venir a Cristo con un corazón quebrantado y un espíritu contrito, recibir el bautismo de Fuego y Espíritu Santo y venida al reposo del Señor o segundo consolador.

1:35 – Luego dijo que toda la iglesia está bajo condenación por tratar el Libro de Mormón a la ligera y olvidar el nuevo pacto contenido en él. Esta es la Doctrina de Cristo. No es matrimonio plural o eterno.

2:43 – A continuación, Ezra Benson dijo que el Libro de Mormón es la piedra angular de la doctrina de la Iglesia SUD, y las doctrinas se enseñan de forma clara y sencilla. Pero no enseñó nada acerca de los principios claros y simples de la Doctrina de Cristo detallados en el libro. Esto muestra que el presidente Benson realmente no entiende la verdadera doctrina que se enseña en sus páginas.

5:04 – Por último, se acercó un poco más a los primeros pasos de la Doctrina de Cristo, pero aún la echaba de menos. No nos dijo que viniéramos a Cristo con un corazón quebrantado y un espíritu contrito para recibir el bautismo de Fuego y el bautismo del Espíritu Santo, que es una ordenación de adopción formal.

Ezra Benson Says Book of Mormon Is the LDS Church Doctrine's Keystone, But He Doesn't Teach the Doctrine of Christ


  1. Michael C.

    Testament in translation to a different language is Covenant. This is the Book of Mormon aka Another Covenant/Testament of Jesus Christ.
    Benson didn’t say it wrong. He just said it in a way only certain people would understand. Anyone can understand a mouthpiece of the Lord if they utilize the Holy Spirit to be their spiritual guide. To show them the truth of all things. Who better than God to teach you? God that has all Knowledge and is all Truth.

    You are truly ignorant if you think not telling someone something means you yourself don’t know that something.

    You must seek the truth for yourself. He is rightly telling you to seek The Word of God. To do so on your own. No one can teach you the spiritual experience. Each of us are required to gain spiritual experience for ourselves. There is nothing I can say from myself that will have spiritual effects on your soul.
    You yourself have to seek it.
    He that hath ears to hear will seek the Lord to hear truth.
    He that hath eyes to see will seek the Lord to see truth.

    Whatever your eye is upon, there also will be your body. For your eye is the gateway to your soul. Jesus Christ told us so Himself.

    Benson knows this fact. He and I, would LOVE if you came to these knowledges of Pure Truth on your own knees. There never was any indoctrination of peoples in our faith community called The church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. Only men and women, teachers and students, young men and young women, and children around the world; who go to God to seek spiritual experience. As individuals.
    As individuals we who seek God’s guidance through prayer and fasting prayer, we find experience. From the same source. When the same Source teaches you it does not matter your background. It does not matter your culture. It does not matter your language. It does not matter your level of understanding. God teaches you and me the same way. One portion of truth at a time till you come to know all about The Word. The Gospel of Christ.

    1. Replying to “Anyone can understand a mouthpiece of the Lord if they utilize the Holy Spirit to be their spiritual guide.” Yes, but also true prophets speak plainly to guide and help others to get and stay on the path that leads to eternal life through the atonement of Christ. This is what Nephi taught in 1 Nephi 31 and Christ himself in 3 Nephi. Because president Benson did not teach the doctrine of Christ in this important talk about the Book of Mormon, I conclude he did not know or understand it well enought teach others about it.

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